Education Matters—Sanford School's Private School Blog

Top Summer Enrichment Programs: Make It The Best Summer Ever!

Written by Eric Peoples and Scott Swope | March 8, 2019 at 5:06 PM

Summer presents a whirlwind of choices for families including day camps, special interest camps, downtime, and family vacations. Students have the opportunity to pursue the interests they love, make social bonds at camps, and create family memories that will last a lifetime.

How do you help your child sustain, or even improve, their academic skills?

Summer Enrichment Programs are hoping to fill that void by providing students with an opportunity to keep mentally sharp through engaging and most importantly, fun ways of learning. Sanford Summer Enrichment Programs are rooted in the educational research that asserts that students who participate in summer learning maintain long-term retention of learned items, remain mentally active throughout the summer through courses that are academically stimulating and become more familiar/comfortable with new school environments.

Summer learning sets students up for future success

Many studies support the claim that students who engage in enrichment programs over the summer have better retention and skills for the upcoming school year. Students who take a break from a school environment may have trouble recalling the information previously learned. This can result in students falling behind academically at the beginning of a school year while they relearn information. Furthermore, some summer courses offered in the high school level can prepare students for advanced level courses and college preparation exams.

Summer programs have important social benefits

Students can make connections with classmates without the social pressures of a normal school landscape. This may be especially beneficial to students who may be joining a new school. Having reduced pressures allows students to feel more relaxed and confident which can build the foundation for successes the following year, both academically and socially. Smaller class sizes over the summer may help students to take more risks and grow more confident in the classroom.

Summer enrichment can be fun!

Sanford Summer classes are not all academics. It’s a great time to try something new—learn how to play the steel drums, get cooking with books, study film philosophy, or write a song. A partnership with the Sanford Day Camp allows students to combine a morning of enrichment with an afternoon of camp activities.

Sanford School has created Summer Enrichment Programs with these goals in mind.

Summertime is a wonderful and relaxed time to help students of all age groups maintain learned information, build the foundation for future learning while providing courses that are engaging, relevant, creative, and fun. Our courses have been crafted by Sanford faculty members to best help students remain academically and socially involved throughout the summer through hands-on learning opportunities. Make it a fun and productive summer! Find out more about our school year experience at Sanford.

To inquire about our summer programs, please email or call 302.235.6505.