Education Matters—Sanford School's Private School Blog

Healthy Minds, Happy Kids

Beat the winter blues by getting high…naturally!

Sanford is looking forward to welcoming Dr. Matt Bellace to campus February 28th. Dr. Bellace is a psychologist, comedian, and passionate public speaker who has been involved in youth drug and alcohol prevention for many years. In his book, A Better High, he shares the acronym L.E.A.D., which lists four ways to focus on achieving a natural high. Today, we’re taking his LEAD to share our thoughts on natural highs.

Leaning On Healthy People For Support

Let’s put extra emphasis on healthy in the above statement. Think about the people you spend the most time with. Are they positive and supportive? Do you feel energized after your time with them? Neuroscience research suggests that emotions are contagious. Our brains are social organs, so they pick up on and mimic the feelings of others. When you’re in need of support, reach out to someone who you know will be able to listen fully and be a positive influence. Think about who you can rely on for different situations—the friend that is a great problem solver may not be the friend you want to go to when you need a non-judgmental listening ear.

MORE Expressing Your Emotions In a Healthy Way

Part of the human experience is to feel a wide range of emotions. Give yourself permission to experience, acknowledge, and express them all. This emotional expression can take various forms; it’s important to find a method that feels beneficial to you, whether it’s talking with a trusted confidant, drawing, or journaling. In addition to expression, it is important to actively work through difficult emotions. We can turn to activities that help us experience natural highs such as physical activity, music, time with friends and family, and laughter.

MORE Achieving Natural Highs Every Day

The ability to get high is hard-wired in our brains. We often associate legal and illegal drugs with the concept of getting high, but our neurotransmitters and brain receptor sites work in the same way when we achieve pleasure naturally. Have you heard of the runner’s high? This euphoric state is probably the most well known natural high, but there are many other ways to get high without the help of drugs and alcohol. Consider the last time you were lost in something that brought you true joy. In today’s world of multitasking, many people find it hard to be fully present in any one thing. Sometimes, even reframing something you already are doing can help bring mindfulness and positivity without adding another item to your to-do list.

Don't Be Afraid To Take a STand

We face countless decisions on a daily basissome that are quick and easy, and some that take significant deliberation and don’t always feel great. When thinking about “Don’t be afraid to take a stand,” think about the idea of taking a stand for your own life-giving yourself permission to listen to your gut instincts, to advocate for yourself, and to ultimately “do you.” For some who experience pain or heavy challenges, turning to drugs and alcohol can seem like an easy solution. When faced with this, it is important to stay informed and hold on tightly to your own personal convictions and standards. Your ultimate obligation should be to yourself, your values, and your life!

Find Joy In Your Passions

We all find joy in our own way. Maybe you find yours in training for a half-marathon or playing the guitar, maybe it’s through reading or spending time with family. Whatever it is, find it and let yourself get lost in it. When we deliberately focus our time and attention on what brings us joy, our brains will reward us with a natural high. At Sanford School, we champion the motto “No Talent Lies Latent”and encourage our students to find and nurture their passions.

Resources to Help

Learning opportunities like this one with Dr. Matt Bellace are a great way to stay informed. In addition to his message of natural highs, we think it is important for parents and educators to understand national trends (for example the JUUL device trend that is currently circulating). Learn more here and make sure to inform yourselves. As always, feel free to reach out to any of the Sanford school counselors for additional resources and/or if you have any questions.


Bellace, Matt. A Better High: Laugh, Help, Run, Love ... and Other Ways to Get Naturally High! Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing, 2014.

Sarah Satinsky is the Upper School Counselor at Sanford School. To learn more about our counseling program, go to Sanford School's School Counseling page.

Suzanne Humphreys and Kelley Seravalli are former counselors at Sanford. 

See Also: Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season and Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds