Education Matters—Sanford School's Private School Blog

6 Fun Ways To Promote Summer Learning

Written by Kara Fontes | June 18, 2021 at 4:00 PM

The end of the school year is here, and while that might mean lazy days by the pool or family vacations, it’s also the perfect time to start preparing your child for the upcoming school year. Here are six fun ways to promote learning and to make sure your child makes the most of this SUMMER so that they can roll smoothly into the fall.

S: Set Goals

At the beginning of the summer, help your child think about one or two things that they would like to accomplish before the new school year begins. They could be academic goals, like learning how electricity works, or activities like doing fifty pushups in a row. Building in weekly time to work on the goal can help add some structure to the summer days.

U: Unwind

Don’t let all of that goal-setting take away from the fact that the summer is a great time to relax and recharge. Be sure your child makes time to decompress so that they can be fully energized in the fall.

M: Meet People

Whether your child is starting a new school or just going into a new grade, they should take advantage of any opportunities to meet new teachers or classmates. Make sure you plan to attend any orientation events that will happen over the summer so that your child can begin the year feeling connected to their peers and their team of teachers.

M: Make a List

Make a list of any school supplies that your child will need as early as you can. Look at the materials list for each course, and also check on any school staples—like backpacks or computer cases—that may need to be replaced. Once the supplies arrive, take some time to help your child pack up their materials and review organization and time management skills that they’ll need to stay on top of things in school.

E: Ease Into a Schedule

Instead of staying up late and sleeping in until the last day of summer, have your child start getting back on a school-year sleep schedule 2-3 weeks before the first day. In addition, you might want to have incorporate some educational activities into their summer plans, like going to a museum or a zoo, so that your child can get back into a learning mindset.

R: Read

Regular sessions of reading can help your child’s brain stay active all summer long. To make it more fun, you might try doing a parent-child book club or watching a book that was made into a movie and then discussing which one you all liked better. Don't forget to check the required summer reading list from the school. Keep a schedule so that you can tackle this before the start of the year begins.

With these six tips, your child’s summer will be both fun and productive, and you’ll be laying the foundations for academic success next year!

See Also: How To Help Your Elementary Student Avoid the Summer Slide, How To Help Your Middle School Student Avoid The Summer Slide, How To Help Your High School Student Avoid The Summer Slide, Summer Programs: The Learning and Fun Continue Beyond the School Year, What Should My Child Read This Summer.

Kara Fontes is a Lower School reading instructor and co-chair of the English and Language Arts Department. She received her bachelor’s degree from Susquehanna University and her master’s degree from Boston University.