When a child turns five it’s time to start kindergarten, but many parents are looking for opportunities that start even earlier. When exploring various programs, some parents may be torn between choosing a daycare setting or a school-based early childhood program. At Sanford we believe there is a tangible difference between a Preschool and/or PreKindergarten classroom and a daycare center. Below we will make the CASE that participating in a formal early childhood program benefits families in four main areas: Community, Attention, Specials, and Education.
Libbie Zimmer

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Making the CASE: 4 Benefits of Early Childhood Programs
Topics: Sanford School, Preschool, Elementary Education
Investing In Early Childhood Education Is Worthwhile
When asked, "Should our family invest (i.e. pay tuition) in our children's early years of education or wait until "it counts" when they're in high school preparing to go to college?" Emphatically I say, "Invest in the early years." This is an incredibly difficult question for anyone to answer knowing that each and every learning stage is valuable; however, when posed with ranking when education "counts" most, it is absolutely and definitively during those first years of life, and here's why.
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From a young age, he noticed his parents doing chores without complaint but with purpose.
As an adult, I connect even laborious childhood chores with some of my most vivid and positive childhood memories.
Chores at home fall into two categories: want
tos and havetos
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Sleep Routine—One of the Best Gifts for Your Child This Holiday
'Tis The Season To Be Jolly!
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In a recent TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) talk, now-former National Association of Independent Schools' President Pat Bassett presented on “Schools of the Future.” Rather than evoking a Jetsons’ cartoon with robots and hover crafts, the School of the Future looks and feels very much like many in our area. Such schools, Bassett claims, make five institutional shifts.