When you hear the word “literacy” you probably
Shannon Helmecki

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Move It!: A Beginner’s Guide to Physical Literacy
Topics: Education, Athletics, Health & Wellness, Parenting Tips
Why are Sports Important to Your Middle School Student?
Over the last twenty years working with Middle School athletes, I have learned the value of keeping kids active and instilling the importance of lifetime sports at a young age. Often, the lessons learned off the field are greater than the skills and strategies of the game. Many times, these life lessons are so much more impactful than just reaping the benefits of exercise
Topics: Athletics, Health & Wellness
Research shows that students perform better in school when they are physically and emotionally healthy.
That’s why the national organization SHAPE America (Society for Health and Physical Educators) believes in educating the whole child. Their main focus is on children’s physical development and athletic skills, integrating these things into a well-rounded school day that offers kids opportunities to be active.
Physical education classes and participation on sports teams both provide knowledge and experience in different activities and address the social aspects of children's development. Recess, too, offers important opportunities for kids to be active, solve problems, and build skills, friendships, independence, and confidence. Physical activity also contributes to a greater sense of well-being, which has far-reaching benefits of its own.
It is essential to keep kids moving inside the classroom, as well. Studies have shown that information is solidified in the brain when the body moves. Why? Because exercise fuels the brain with oxygen, which helps make connections with the learned material. So next time your child needs to study for a test, maybe suggest that they get up and work out some dance moves while reviewing the material.
Topics: Athletics, Health & Wellness